Category: Speakers

Noshir Contractor

Keynote at ADCOM 2016 Title: Leveraging Computational Social Science to address Grand Societal Challenges Abstract: The increased access to big data about social phenomena in general, and network data in...

Ullas Nambiar

Keynote at ADCOM 2016 Title : Datascience and Fashion Abstract:  In this talk,  I will  elaborate upon the data science challenges that are prevalent in e-commerce with some examples from...

Harish Karnick

Keynote at ADCOM 2016 Title : Natural Language Processing in E-Commerce: A Case Study Abstract:  E-commerce services like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal and many others are evolving into market places where...

Dr. V. Kamakoti

Veezhinathan Kamakoti is a Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. His areas of interests include Computer Architecture, Secure Systems Engineering and VLSI Design. He completed BE...

Prateek Jain

Keynote at ADCOM 2016 Title: Sparse  Linear Regression Abstract: Sparsity in linear regression is a critical requirement in several important applications like bioinformatics, text processing etc. Sparsity leads to a...