Advanced Computing and Communications Society




Patrons Principal Patron Platinum Patrons Gold Patrons Silver Patrons Bronze Patrons
Cost INR 10 Lakhs INR 7.5 Lakhs INR 5 Lakhs INR 3 Lakhs INR 1.5 Lakhs
No. of Patrons 1 2 4 8 16
Key event Visibility Keynote Speech at Inaugural Keynote Keynote Session Chairs Session Chairs
Visibility in Session Room & Hallway 1. Large central logo on Podium
2. Largest logo on halls and entrance signage
1. Smaller Logo on bottom of Podium
2. Medium Logo on signage in halls and entrance
1. Logo on sides of stage
2. Medium Logo on signage in halls and entrance
1. Logo on delegate kit
2. Medium logo on signage in halls and entrance
Logo on delgate kit
Website Logo on conference website Logo on conference website Logo on conference website Logo on conference website Logo on conference website
Signage on kit Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Stationary signage Logo on conference proceedings CD-ROM Logo on conference proceedings CD-ROM Logo on conference proceedings CD-ROM Yes Yes
Stationary Inserts TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Logo on delegate Badge Yes Yes No No No
Free Confrence Registrations 20 10 5 2 0