
ADCOM 2013 Keynote Speakers

Dr. H.S. Jamadagni
Dr. H.S. Jamadagni is a Professor at the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering which formerly the Center for Electronics Design and Technology (CEDT) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - which is also his alma mater.
H. S. Jamadagni has been a visiting faculty at Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, and Kaiserslautern University, Germany. He is closely associated with companies like Texas Instruments, Boeing , Xilinx and FreeScale.
He is a part and parcel of several projects and initiatives in the industry and the Government. He is a co founder of a communication solutions start up – ESQUBE. Until recently was a member of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). He is one of the key mentors for the Intel Higher Education program in India and was the program coordinator for various Intel workshops and research programs. He is the force and the key driver for the Intel Internet Exchange Architecture® Program in India.
He is a foremost a teacher, product developer, researcher, industrial consultant and one of the main coordinators of the national education publications in India and a mentor to many a research student.
His current interests lies in the areas of application of hybrid wireless networks, embedded systems, energy management, wildlife studies and natural farming. He has published several papers in these areas.

Jayant R. Haritsa
Jayant R. Haritsa is a faculty of Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (SERC) and Computer Science and Automation (CSA) departments at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He is the recipient of the ACCS-CDAC Foundation Award for 2013 and delivers the Foundation lecture at ADCOM 2013. He is an authority on Database Systems (Query Optimization, Data Mining, XML Databases, Biological Databases, Multi-lingual Databases).
He is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He was a Research Fellow in the Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland (College Park). He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc), Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (NASI), a Distinguished Alumnus of IIT Madrar, winner of the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in 2009, Hari Om Ashram Prerit Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Research Award, Swarnajayanti Fellowship of the Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Sir C V Raman Young Scientist Award in Computer Science besides Research Awards from IBM, Google and Microsoft.

Srinivasan Parthasarathy
Srinivasan Parthasarathy is a Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Biomedical Informatics at the The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
He heads the Data Mining Research Lab at OSU wherein his he primarily works in data mining/machine learning and high performance computing and database systems. His group develops efficient and novel algorithms for managing and analyzing complex data. His current research is particularly motivated by applications that arise in the area of network science specifically biological networks and social networks. He is the recipient of numerous honors such as the IBM Faculty Award, the OSU Lumley Research Award and the Google Research Award to name a few

Dr. Raj Jain
Professor Raj Jain is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of ACM, a Fellow of AAAS, a winner of ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time award, CDAC-ACCS Foundation Award 2009, Hind Rattan Award 2011, and ranks among the top 70 in CiteSeerX's list of Most Cited Authors in Computer Science. Dr. Jain is currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Previously, he was the CTO and one of the Co-founders of Nayna Networks, Inc - a next generation telecommunications systems company in San Jose, CA. He was a Senior Consulting Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation in Littleton, Mass and then a professor of Computer and Information Sciences at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
He is the author or editor of 10 books including ``Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis,'' which won the 1991 ``Best-Advanced How-to Book, Systems'' award from Computer Press Association and "High-Performance TCP/IP: Concepts, Issues, and Solutions," published by Prentice Hall in November 2003. He is a co-editor of "Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management," published in April 2010
Prof. Jain has 14 patents, and has written 15 book chapters, 55+ journal and magazine papers and 95+ conference papers. His papers have been widely referenced and he is known for his research on congestion control and avoidance, traffic modeling, performance analysis, and error analysis. Google Scholar lists over 15000+ citations to his publications. He is a co-inventor of the DECbit scheme, which has been implemented in various forms in DECnet, OSI, Frame Relay, and ATM Networks. His team has developed several switch algorithms for explicit rate-based congestion avoidance in ATM networks.

Dr. Sathya Rao
Dr. Rao has a doctoral degree in computer science and is involved in future ICT research over number of years in the EU R&D framework managing European consortium projects of multi-million € budget. He had many positions in ASCOM (Head of the department), CSEM (Head of Division) and was leading a consulting company TELSCOM, which he had co-founded. Since 2010, he is working at KYOS, a consulting company in Switzerland as a Senior Project Manager leading number of projects. He is the technical lead of EUINCOOP project developing collaboration across Europe and India in the Computing Systems research.

Dr. Prasad M. Deshpande
Prasad M Deshpande is a researcher at IBM Research - India with expertise in the area of data management, specifically data integration, OLAP, data mining and text analytics. He received a B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT, Bombay and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Database systems from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. His current focus is in the areas of leveraging unstructured data for master data management (MDM) and data discovery and curation for big data platforms. He has more than 40 publications in reputed conferences and journals and 11 patents issued. He has worked for a few years at IBM Almaden Research Center prior to joining IBM Research - India, where he is currently leading the Information Analytics group.

Nanda Kambhatla
Nanda Kambhatla is a Senior Technical Staff Member and the senior manager for the Knowledge Engineering Services department at IBM Research - India (aka IRL). This department is focused on technologies for acquiring, representing, retrieving and delivering knowledge to individuals and organizations and developing new products and offerings based on these technologies. Nanda leads a global research team that is driving innovations based on the Watson technology.
Nanda has over two decades of research experience in the areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP), text mining, information extraction, dialog systems, and machine learning. He holds 7 U.S patents and has authored over 40 publications in books, journals, and conferences in these areas. Nanda holds a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the Institute of Technology, Benaras Hindu University, India, and a Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, Oregon, USA.

Dhruv Mahajan
He is an Applied Scientist at Microsoft Research India. His research interests include Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Specifically, he is interested in distributed and large scale Machine Learning and its application to real world problems in different domains (like computer vision).
Before joining MSR, He was a Research Scientist at Yahoo Research Bangalore from September 2009 to June 2012. He completed my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at Columbia University in 2009. His thesis advisors were Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi and Prof. Peter Belhumeur. He did his Masters in CS from Columbia University in 2006 and undergrad. in Computer Science from Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi (IIT-Delhi) in 2004.

Eberhard Hechler
Eberhard is an Executive Architect from the IBM Boeblingen R&D Lab in Germany. He is currently on a 3-year assignment to IBM Singapore, working as the Lead Architect in the SWG Communications Sector for IBM ASEAN.
After a 2.5 year international assignment to the IBM Kingston Development Lab in New York, he has worked in software development, performance optimization and benchmarking, IT/solution architecture and design, and technical consultancy. In 1992, he began to work with DB2 for MVS, focusing on testing and performance measurements of new DB2 versions. Since 1999, he concentrates on Information Management and DB2 on distributed platforms.
His main expertise includes the areas of Enterprise Information Architecture, IT architectures and industry solutions, information integration and MDM, DB2 performance optimization, physical data modelling and data placement, and information system and technical solution architecture.
Eberhard Hechler is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology, the IBM InfoSphere Architecture Board, and the IBM Asset Architecture Board. He co-authored the books “Enterprise Master Data Management” (Pearson plc, 2008), ISBN-10: 0132366258, and “The Art of Enterprise Information Architecture” (Pearson plc, 2010), ISBN-10:0137035713.