Advanced Computing and Communications Society


ibm ipinfusion


Tutorial #1:Protocols for Data Center Network Virtualization and Cloud Computing (9:30 AM on 21st Oct, 2013)
Tutorial #2:Analysis and Evaluation of Distributed (Linear) ML Algorithms (9:30 AM on 21st Oct, 2013)
Tutorial #3:Evolution of Web Server Architecture (2:00 PM on 21st Oct, 2013)
Tutorial #4:Secure Systems Engineering (2:00 PM on 21st Oct, 2013)

Protocols for Data Center Network Virtualization and Cloud Computing

At 9:30 AM On 21st October, 2013

Abstract: This tutorial on latest advances in data center networking architectures is designed for networking researchers, engineers and managers. IEEE and IETF have recently created several new protocol specifications that allow data centers to span large Ethernet domains interconnecting several globally located data centers. The tutorial provides an overview of these recent developments in Ethernet architecture and protocols to enable virtualization, data center interconnection, and setting up large multi-tenant facilities to enable cloud computing services.

The topics include Shortest Path Bridging (SPB), Priority-based Flow Control (PFC), Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS), Q-in-Q, MAC-in-MAC, Virtual Edge Bridging (VEB), Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA), Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Link (TRILL), Virtual Extended LAN (VXLAN), and Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE) and others.

It is assumed that the attendees have a basic understanding of traditional Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols.

Tutorial Instructors:
Prof. Raj Jain, Washington University in St. Louis, USA


Biography: Raj Jain is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of ACM, A Fellow of AAAS, a winner of ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time award, CDAC-ACCS Foundation Award 2009. Dr. Jain is currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Previously, he was one of the Co-founders of Nayna Networks, Inc - a next generation telecommunications systems company in San Jose, CA. He was a Senior Consulting Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation in Littleton, Mass and then a professor of Computer and Information Sciences at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

He is the author of ``Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis,'' which won the 1991 ``Best-Advanced How-to Book, Systems'' award from Computer Press Association. His fourth book entitled " High-Performance TCP/IP: Concepts, Issues, and Solutions," was published by Prentice Hall in November 2003. He is co-editor of "Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management," published in February 2010.

Further information about Dr. Jain including all his publications can be found at

Analysis and Evaluation of Distributed (Linear) ML Algorithms

At 9:30 AM On 21st October, 2013

Abstract: In this tutorail, we focus on the problem of learning linear classifiers when data is distributed across several machines. There have been several distributed learning methods proposed in the literature. With the advent of cloud computing and distributed machine platforms becoming part of cloud computing, it is important and useful for such platform users to make certain choices along three key dimensions, namely, system, application and machine learning (ML).

We will carry out systematic evaluation of various methods considering various aspects along these dimensions. In machine learning, there are a variety of methods proposed in the literature, and we categorize these methods under (1) ensemble and parameter mixing, (2) iterative parameter mixing, (3) statistical query model and (4) parallel block optimization. And, these methods are analyzed and compared along the different aspects in each dimension.

Tutorial Instructor:
Dhruv Mahajan, Microsoft Research


Dhruv Mahajan is an Applied Scientist at Microsoft Research India. His research interests include Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Specifically, he is interested in distributed and large scale Machine Learning and its application to real world problems in different domains (like computer vision).

Before joining MSR, He was a Research Scientist at Yahoo Research Bangalore from September 2009 to June 2012. He completed my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at Columbia University in 2009. His thesis advisors were Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi and Prof. Peter Belhumeur. He did his Masters in CS from Columbia University in 2006 and undergrad. in Computer Science from Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi (IIT-Delhi) in 2004.

Evolution of Web Server Architecture

At 2:00 PM On 21st October, 2013

Abstract: This tutorial on web server architectures provides an overview of how network severs especially webs servers have evolved from early 90s to current stage to meet the performance needs in terms of number of requests being served. The topics will cover general network programming (non-blocking I/O) using select, then poll and finally using epoll/kqueue. In this tutorial we will also discuss how web servers have evolved to support cross platform development and deployment. The talk will cover architecture details of Apache, Nginx and Boa web servers.

It is assumed that the attendees have a basic understanding of traditional TCP/IP and unix programming.


Tutorial Instructor:
Prof. Ram Rustagi, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India

Ram P Rustagi is a senior member of IEEE, and is currently a Professor of Information Science and Engineering at PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Previously, he was Vice President-Engg at Kirusa Software Pvt Ltd, Vice President-Technology at Pronto Networks Inc., India/USA.

His professional career of 30+ years has been in Academics, R&D, product delivery and deployment in Telecom, Computer Networks and Enterprise Applications. The experience spectrum covers academic institutes, and technology start-ups to large companies.

Further information about Dr. Ram Rustagi can be found at

Secure Systems Engineering

At 2:00 PM On 21st October, 2013

Abstract: Compute systems comprise layers of virtual machines - digital hardware, microarchitecture, operating systems, compilers/middleware, applications.
Professionals working at a particular layer are ignorant of what happens below that layer. This ignorance leads to vulnerabilities that are exploited by the hackers. The talk shall elaborate on vulnerabilities at the different levels, how they could be exploited, and, how they could be prevented.

Tutorial Instructor:
G.S. Madhusudan/ Dr. V. Kamakoti

G. S. Madhusudan is a Technologist/Researcher with 26+ years of global experience in Security Engineering, Systems Engineering, Consumer Electronics and Enterprise Systems. He is Currently a Researcher at IIT-Madras and leads research projects in Security Engineering (OS, Processors and Networking), Processor Design and Storage Systems. He was formerly the CEO of Pravrtti Ventures (Singapore), a technology company involved in incubating startups in Singapore/USA in the areas of Consumer Electronics, Security devices and Smart Phone Design. Prior to that, he was a Staff Engineer at Sybase and headed projects in Secure RDBMS, large cluster systems and micro-kernel architectures.


V. Kamakoti is a Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. His areas of interests include Computer Architecture, Secure Systems Engineering and VLSI Design. He completed BE in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Madras followed by MS (By research) and PhD at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Prior to joining his alma mater as a faculty, he completed two post doctoral assignments at Supercomputer Education and Research Center, Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru and Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.