To create a platform for academia, industry and R&D to share knowledge.
- To create a forum for interaction among academicians, industrialists, scientists and engineers in the broad areas of advanced computing and communications.
- To collaborate with universities, societies, institutions and other bodies in India and aboard.
- To organize conferences, workshop, seminars, courses, tutorials and exhibitions in the area of advanced computing and communications technologies.
- To undertake specific actions that can guide national policies and programmes.
- To publish books, journals and newsletters related to advanced computing and communications.
- To organize lectures by scientists and experts and to disseminate their ideas and concepts among the Indian advanced computing and communications community.
- To undertake or promote studies and study tours to examine specific areas of advanced computing and communications.
- To undertake specific actions that can guide national policies and programmes.
- To institute stipends, scholarships, fellowships, prizes, etc. to financially assist outstanding students and individuals in accordance with their merits.
- To institute awards to honor individuals for their outstanding contributions in the field of advanced computing and communications.
- To publish books, journals and newsletters relating to advanced computing and communications.
- To do such other things as may be conducive or incidental to the attainment of any or all of the above objectives.