ACCS appreciates the participation of ALL the teams in ADC 2017 first round, during September 9-10, 2017, during ADCOM2017 at IIITB.

The spirit of innovation, engineering creativity, curiosity and learning of ALL OF YOU is HIGHLY commended. ALL of you are WINNERS in that sense – particularly if your thought process has imbibed the learning thus far. We wish you the VERY BEST and hope that you will continue with this spirit, build on such mindset, to conquer far greater challenges, resulting in most satisfying life, in future, wherever you go, whatever you set out to do.

 36 teams, selected from very promising proposals received, from across India, have participated in ADC 2017 first round. The very nature of ADC 2017 mandates us to select the very best among the best of proposals from the first round, for the zonal phase.

Please find below, the list of the 17 (SEVENTEEN) selected teams for the zonal phase.

Team Number Institution Name
ADC0121 Kumaraguru College of Technology
ADC0132 Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management
ADC0134 Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
ADC0136 Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
ADC0147 Muthoot Institute of Technology And Science
ADC0152 College of Engineering Poonjar
ADC0155 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Bangalore
ADC0158 Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
ADC0161 Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management
ADC0162 Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management
ADC0165 Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
ADC0167 Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
ADC0168 IIITD & M Kancheepuram
ADC0180 Eswari Engineering College
ADC0183 SJB Institute of Technology
ADC0185 Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology
ADC0196 SA Engineering College



  • All future communications will be based on these team IDs – Please do make note and make sure to refer to these in ALL your communications, proposals, submissions.
  • You will be sent a participation guidelines and norms document (soft copy), to your email ID(s).
  • Next phase of ADC 2017 will be as per the rules, guidelines, terms and conditions, detailed in this document.
  • You are required to submit this document’s in HARD COPY, signed by the team & mentor, along with the Institute HOD’s authorization of the Team and confirming the affiliation of the team members, the same way you have done for the first round – BUT MUCH FASTER, as any delay will only be more detrimental to your chances ahead. Kindly note that ONLY teams who have submitted this document will be considered to be part of the ADC 2017. Click here to download the document.
  • The two design kits – The ARM kit and the TVS Vehicle Platform, will be sent ONLY ON RECEIPT OF THE HARD COPY OF THIS RULES DOCUMENT.
  • Along with this, please send the contact person’s name postal address, to which the two kits will be sent. Note, the parcel will be on the heavier side!!
  • You need to bring these kits to the zonal – and take back, purely based on your own arrangements.
  • There will be a midterm review (remote, over phone) around 2nd half of November, to assess the progress.
  • Zonal will be conducted during the 2nd half of December, at venue(s) that will be announced soon. Please INDICATE ANY DATE CONFLICTS IMMEDIATELY.


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