Development Boards for stage 2

Those of you who have been selected in ACCS ARM Student Design Contest would have received an email requesting the choice of development board for your prototype.   As per the call for proposals, you will either be given the mbed board (NXP LPC1768) OR the mbed-enabled Freedom Board (FRDM KL25Z) as the main processor platform. Those of you who select the Freedom Board will also additionally get the special mbed application shield for the Freedom board.
We have started receiving emails regarding the choice of board, but without the address to which we have to courier it. Please include the postal address  to which we have to send the board along with the choice of your board. We expect to begin sending out the boards in a week’s time.
We sincerely hope you have already started work on putting together the prototype. If not,  we request you make a beginning right away. For there is nothing more advantageous than getting thingsdone slightly ahead of time so as to be able to leave enough time or leeway to experience or face unforeseen challenges or surprises. Any innovative activity such as the one you are embarking on as part of the Student Design Contest is always full of such unforeseen challenges or surprises. So let this experience be yet another one of those wonderful learning opportunities for you and your mentors.


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