Prof. B.S. Sonde Passed Away

It is with profound regret that the ACCS announces the passing away of Prof. B.S. Sonde. The end came peacefully at 11.30 AM on Nov 09th, 2019 at his residence at Bangalore.
Prof Sonde was a Member of the Faculty of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore from 1964 to 1997. He occupied various positions including Professor of ECE, Chairman of the Division of Electrical Sciences, Dean-Faculty of Engineering etc. He was Vice Chancellor of Goa University from 1997 to 2002.
Apart from establishing the Centre for Electronic Design and Technology (CEDT) at IISc-Bangalore, Prof Sonde was involved with various other path breaking initiatives – not just in India, but also in universities and institutions around the world. He also served on the Senate of the International Institute for Information Technology (IIIT) Bangalore.
Prof Sonde’s publications and research work stand testimony to his towering presence in the world of Electronics and Communications.
Prof Sonde was a well wisher of ACCS and was a guiding light for the activities of the Society over many years. He will be deeply missed.
ACCS prays for the eternal peace and rest for his soul, and wishes that the Almighty grant his Family and friends the strength to bear with this terrible loss.