ACCS announces its first technical publication – Advanced Computing & Communications
Advanced Computing & Communications (ACC) will cover the state-of-art technologies and current research trends, review papers and tutorials from eminent scientists and researchers world-wide. In doing so, ACC attempts to further bridge the industry – academic gap by providing a spring board for creative engineers, faculty and students alike in propagating cutting-edge research in the field of computing and communications.
Articles in the ACC do not expect significant prior knowledge on the part of a reader to understand. They provide a broad understanding of the subject matter and intend to kindle interest in readers to delve into the depths of the topic through other resources.
ACC will be in A4 full color with this first edition and will have a print edition besides a web edition and a digital version for downloads. ACC will be published in March, June, September and December each year.
This inaugural issue carries review papers in the current areas of interest – IOT and Machine Learning and a primer on Residue Number Systems. A series on experiential learning in networking provides a hands-on approach to self learning through experimentation. More sections are planned in the future editions to address a much wider audience.
I trust you will find this publication of significant value and would recommend this to your colleagues.
Visit the ACC website at
Saragur Srinidhi