ACCS Design Challenge 2024 – Call for Participation

The Advanced Computing and Communications Society (ACCS) announces the 8th annual ACCS Design Challenge (ADC 2023).
ACCS administers the design challenge to provide senior engineering students opportunities for learning beyond curriculum and develop successful solutions to real-life problems using state-of-the-art technologies, thus becoming more relevant to the professional world.
ADC is broadly aligned with your academic calendar and is supported by industry players, thus providing students opportunity to:
- Identify the real world problems, study contemporary technologies & methodologies, formulate ‘market acceptable’ solution.
- Implement innovative and cost effective solutions, with creative utilization of cutting edge technologies.
- Nurture product development skills spanning Hardware, Software, Design and System Engineering.
- Understand product development Lifecycle and successful product/solution delivery in embedded systems.
- Gain awareness about the professional world ahead through productive interactions with seasoned industry personnel as mentors over the duration of the challenge.
Project proposals for ADC2023 are invited from the students studying 3rd and final year Engineering in India. While the project can span any application domain, technology exciting to the proposing team, indicative list includes Agriculture, Energy Management, Healthcare, IOT/Smart Electronics, Smart Transportation Systems and Wearables. Project should preferably be centered on any 32-bit or 64-bit microcontroller based hardware platforms (that need not be developed as a part of the project) like Mbed, OpenSDA etc., with its utility for the target application justified. Teams are encouraged to use free and open source software tools (FOSS).
Proposals will be evaluated for uniqueness of concept, contemporariness and commercial prospects. The teams withpath-breaking, innovative ideas will be invited to introduce the same to the jury in the first round during September ‘23. Extent of practical realization of ideas selected here will be evaluated in the subsequent round during December ‘23. Teams selected here will present & demonstrate their ideas to the jury during ADC2023 finals at Bangalore in March, 2024, with winning teams receiving awards, cash prizes, possible opportunities for internships and potential career prospects.
Please submit your proposals online by first registering (ALL members of) your team at: ADC 2023 Registration.
Click here for detailed Rules and Regulations of the challenge. Participants must download and return a signed copy of the same and a non-refundable fee of Rs. 800/- per member along with their proposals.
Important Dates:
- Proposals must be received by 9 September 2023.
- Introducing the idea, execution plan to the jury through physical presentations – September 23-24, 2023.
- Review – Presentation, Demonstration of working concept of the idea in Bangalore during December 2023.
- Finals during March 2024 at Bangalore
For more information on ACCS Design Challenge 2023
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Convener, ADC 2023
Advanced Computing & Communication Society
Gate #2, C. V. Raman Avenue, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India