ARM Design Contest 2014 Winners
ARM Design Contest 2014 was a challenge to engineering students from all over India to put ARM technology to use in a socially relevant project in their locality. On Jan 9th, 11 of the 14 teams picked for phase 2 presented the progress they had achieved over the last four months. Of these, three teams were selected by a panel of judges for the top three slots. The winning projects are:
First Prize – Monitoring and control of metrowater distribution system using multiple sensor fusion & IOT by Abirami.g, Jaya shree.m, Jeevitha.n, Mentor: S. Ramaswamy, RMK Engineering College, Chennai
Second Prize – Chakshu: rfid based shopping assistant for visually impaired people by Ankita Gulati, Fatema Motiwala, Daffodils, Mentor: S N S Reddy, IGDTUW
Third Prize – Extensive Monitoring and Control of LOC by Multiple Autonomous Drones by M.Padmanabhan,M.S.Ganeshmurthy,Kotha Nagarjuna, Mentor: G.R.Suresh, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai
Even amidst a tight schedule of academic workloads, these teams reached out to members of their local community to discuss issues, work out solutions and demonstrate working prototypes and take them to a level that would appeal to public authorities. The students proved that Engineering is not just about learning theory and passing exams but also about taking responsibility in their community.
Heartly Congratulations to all the students and their Mentors!
Congratulations to the Winners!