ARM Student Design Challenge on Smart Transportation Systems
The Advanced Computing and Communications Society (ACCS) announces the Third edition of the ARM Student Design Challenge on “Smart Transportation Systems” as part of its 22nd Annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2016) at PES University, Bengaluru, in September 2016.
ADCOM 2016 highlights the growing importance of Large Scale Systems Engineering and provides the platform to share, discuss and witness leading edge research and trends. The central theme of this year’s meeting is “Machine Learning Applications” to build on the IOT and Smart Cities themes explored in the earlier editions of the conference.
The ARM Design Challenge (ADC) is aimed to provide engineering students opportunities for learning beyond curriculum to:
(1) Study and understand current status and challenges in real world and identify opportunities for improvement.
(2) Evolve innovative and cost effective solutions relevant and appropriate to the application environment
(3) Study and develop good working knowledge in the use of the powerful ARM Cortex M series based Platforms.
(4) Develop skills in System, HW, SW and control Design and Engineering
(5) Understand Product Development Cycle in embedded system
(6) Understand Project management in Engineering Development.
(7) Motivate and prepare Engineers to take up their career in Automotive Research and Development.
The solutions identified should help enhance/improve Comfort, Convenience, Safety and Emission. The teams should develop engineering prototypes to demonstrate their solutions, Students are not restricted to any one type of kit/development platform. They are at liberty to use any Cortex M series kit or develop their own target hardware to implement the solution.
Proposals are invited in the following areas:
A. Smart Vehicle Aggregates
- Body Electronics
- Driver Information
- Driver Alert Systems
- Lighting Systems
- In vehicle networking
- Entertainment
- Control Systems
B. Smart Infrastructure
- Traffic Signal
- Toll Collection
- Traffic Management
- Lane change Management
C. Smart Connectivity
- Vehicle to Vehicle
- Vehicle to Infrastructure
D. Vehicle Technology
- Autonomous Vehicle
- Electric Vehicle
- Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
E. Vehicle Instrumentation
- Prognostics and Diagnostics
- Vehicle Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
Proposals are expected to be in one of the above five categories. The actual solution can be beyond the suggested areas but within the scope of the category.
Student teams whose proposals are accepted need to make the initial presentation at ADCOM 2016 of the What, Why and How of their proposed work. The proposals at a minimum should clearly outline the various scenarios involved in any one of the challenge areas above, the hardware required to implement the solution and the algorithm to be used for the best possible outcome.
After the ADCOM 2016 presentations, teams that qualify will move to the next round to showcase their initial concept prototypes. The top 25 teams after the second round will move to the final round of the Challenge.
Important Dates:
- Submission of Proposal :
30th July, 20167th August 2016 - Declaration of Accepted Proposals : 12th August 2016
- Preliminary Round (During closing session of ADCOM 2016)
- Presentation by Teams at ADCOM 2016 : 10th – 11th September 2016
- Announcement of Shortlisted Teams : 11th September 2016
- Second Round : 17th December 2016
- Final Round : 17th March 2017
Eligibility: Undergraduate Students in 3rd and 4th year engineering students are eligible to apply for the Design Challenge.
Note: Please submit your proposals no later than August 7th 2016 by registering here.
ADC Contact Email id –
Click here to view the Rules and Regulations for Student Design Challenge 2016
Guidelines for submission of Proposal:
- The Proposal should be submitted online after the registration as explained in the procedure
- Register your team to ADC 2016 by clicking here. You will receive your login detail in your email id.
- After registration, login to your ADC account here and submit your project proposal details.
- The Proposal should cover the following
- The statement of the problem
- Proposed solution
- System Description – Overview of the
- System Diagram indicating the various system elements
- Description of the Cortex M platform based Hardware – Block diagram
- Hardware Description of various interfaces (Logical)
- Description of Software system
- Identification of various software components
- Outline of the Development plan for Hardware
- Outline of the Development plan for Software
- Build plan for HW/SW Integration
- Verification and Test Plan
- Final Demo and Deliverables Plan
- The Proposal is not expected to provide all the details at this stage but should clearly bring out the scope and the way the project is envisaged to be developed during the period.
- Time Plan should cover major activities from start to the final demo during competition.
- Teams should upload the proposal and other attachments as required along with the registration form. Proposals sent by email will have to be resubmitted.
- The Last date is extended up to 7th August 2016. No further extension will be provided.
Sample document format
Project Proposal Format
Project Plan Format
HOD Letter Format
For more information on the Conference visit ADCOM 2016 website
Why second year people not eligible to participate ? This was not the case in previous year.
Students of 2nd year now would have only completed 2 semesters and will be in 3rd semester. The students would not have completed their core courses and advanced electives needed to do justice for the project work.
Anyway those interested can be part of the team (as a non regular member) and enhance their competencies so that they are ready to engage in the next edition of the competition which will be announced early 2017.
Don’t have to feel disappointed. Keep your interest alive and work on the idea.
ADC 2016 FAQ Page –