BENGALURU, February 25, 2023
The Advanced Computing and Communications Society (ACCS) today announced the name of Dr. (Ms.) Tessy Thomas, Distinguished Scientist and Director General (Aeronautical Systems) of the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), as the winner of the prestigious ACCS Foundation Award for the year 2022.
The Award recognizes her outstanding contribution to the Guidance, Control, Inertial Navigation, Trajectory Simulation and Mission Design for long range ballistic missiles that shaped India’s strategic defence capability. Her leadership at the helm of the multi-phase Agni missile system ensured integration of many new technologies providing for high accuracy to this class of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.
The ACCS Foundation Award carries prize money of Rs. 100,000/- and a citation. The award will be conferred on her at the 27th Advanced Computing and Communications Conference (ADCOM) on 9th March 2023.
Announcing the award, Mr. Jailendra Kumar, President of ACCS said, “ACCS congratulates Dr. Tessy Thomas for her outstanding leadership in the delivery of precision technologies and sets an example of how Advanced Computing together with Information, Communications and Control (ICC) can be harnessed to realize complex Large Systems.”
In his congratulatory message, Dr. H. P. Khincha, Professor Emeritus at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, said, “Dr. Tessy Thomas’ work provides India with self reliance in a critical area of strategic technology. This award takes her story to the generation of young engineers to draw inspiration from her work and advance the frontiers of technology.” The award instituted in 2004, by the ACCS and the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), fosters development and dissemination of theory and applications of computing and communications sciences. Each year, the executive council of the ACCS invites eminent persons from the industry, academia, and research laboratories, who have made exceptional contributions in computing and communications to be nominated. The winner is selected from among the nominees by an eminent panel of domain experts from academia and industry